with a pencil in my pocket

The pencil project has commenced!  The first color to arrive in the mail was Douglas Fir.  

Funny, I didn't realize that the problem wouldn't be WHAT to write, but how to edit what I wrote... I realized it may be fun to have a separate space to share the different stories inspired by the color as well.

So, I kept it simple, honest and relative to a personal story.  Instead of an action inspired by the color (which there could have been many...) it was more of an observation of this historical and abundant tree. I wrote a snapshot of part of the best seven days I experienced this February, which was with my grandmother, Pheba.  We giggled, drank coffee, watched t.v.  We made pot holders and pillows with my new sewing machine that was overwhelmingly amazing to her.  My life and pulse slowed down with hers and I was reminded, or learned for the first time, how important it is to slow down, pay attention and do things by hand.   She even held a needle and a thread in her hand for the first time in years as she showed me how she started quilt pieces back in the day.  My visit inspired her to start working on scraps that her 90 year old sister had given her a few months back.  I will post more about my visit later, but this post is about the pencil project, so...

Here is what I turned in to Lea Redmond as my first of 20 colors:

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