today, i am world renowned stylist

I have been loving the ability to wear many hats.  Today, I am professional stylist for Casa Bair-Garant.  An ongoing project that allows me to exercise my interior design muscle and spend some quality time with Mom.  Of course, we often pause for cups of coffee in order to watch the birds in their sanctuary in the burbs.  My favorite is in the summertime when thousands (I swear) of hummingbirds stop at each of the 5 feeders set out for them. Although today, the backdrop is very serene with several feet of snow and the only thing humming is the distant sound of a snowblower interrupted by the occasional crash of an icicle melting.

So, our goal is to help mom organize her bookshelves with some items of family history.  Including a few books that Grandpa Grover used to bring home from the paper factory.  People would drop off old books (to be recycled?) and Grover would snap up any interesting ones and bring them home.   As a child, Mom LOVED to play librarian. And with the recent discovery of these books from Grandma's basement, I now know from where my passion for collecting old books with tattered covers derived. 

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